July 1, 2014

To Whom it May Concern:

I have been struggling with horrible splitting, fragile, and irregular nails for the past year. I am a registered nurse, which means frequent hand-washing with alcohol-based hand cleaners. I also own and manage numerous rental properties, which often require physical labor such as painting, cleaning, landscaping, etc. I am afraid that the years of abuse have taken their toll on my nails!

I have discussed my frustrations about the state of my nails with my physician.
He referred to this condition as “brittle nails” — but had no treatment suggestions, and told me that he has many patients who voice this same frustrating complaint (particularly, ladies who had been using acrylic nail systems).

I often hid my nails when out in public because they looked SO terrible,  and I’d noticed people staring at them!

In absolute frustration I went to Nova Beauty (your Canadian distributor), where a lovely sales associate, Lisa, suggested the IBX nail repair system. She told me that it would help grow/repair my nails on their own.

In less than one month, my nails have improved astoundingly! The nail beds are smooth and show no horrid irregular “waves.” The splitting ends are growing out. The overall improvement is unbelievable!

I plan to let my physician know that there is hope for his other patients with this very frustrating problem.

I am SO grateful to Lisa at Nova Beauty for saving my nails!

Janice Parker
Registered Nurse